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Showing posts from August, 2018

Should Kida Be An Official Princess?

For 17 years now, Atlantis has touched the hearts and imaginations of Disney fans. One character stood out the most, the princess of Atlantis Kida or Kidagakash. We fans have wanted Kidagakash to become an official Disney Princess. So the question is, should Kida become an official Disney princess? There are a few points I'd like to make to prove my point. Kindness kida in her whole on the screen has been nothing but kind to the Atlantians as well as people outside of her culture. she does everything in her power to protect her people and keep them thriving as a culture. she is the exact description of a princess and the kindness she should have. Brave Same as Merida, she is brave in all of her endeavors. Even in one scene, she kicks some butt when the mercenaries attacked her, she could have died. Independent Just like Merida, Jasmin, Tiana, etc. She is independent and can handle things herself. She is a warrior, a princess, and a survivor. Does she fit the criteria Disney require...